Integrated ERP System for the HoReCa Sector

Integrated ERP System for the HoReCa Sector

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Rodzaj działań:

Certusoft carried out the construction and maintenance of the ERP system for our order, along with dedicated modules for workflow management, expense management and budgeting.
The successfully implemented system has streamlined our internal and external processes by directly linking transactions to internal and external documents. The implemented solution has positively influenced the implementation of our business plans thanks to the possibility of more effective budget planning, ongoing monitoring of its execution and analysis of carried out projects. The application greatly facilitates and accelerates the work of internal users as well as our business partners. The system was made available by Certusoft as a service in the SaaS model.

Bartosz Cisek
Vice President
Przedsiębiorstwo Savpol
Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Sp. K.

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