Online portal for selling photography

Online portal for selling photography

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BE&W's clients include major press publishers, advertising agencies, book publishers, corporate clients, internet portals and individual clients.

Daily material from the world of showbiz, culture, politics, stock photos, historical photos and art photos is provided by a team of photojournalists, cooperating photographers and leading foreign agencies.

Fast image search engine

BE&W's customers include major press publishers, advertising agencies, book publishers, corporate clients, web portals and individual customers. Advanced search and filtering capabilities allow you to find material from more than 75 million images.

  • Search images by keywords.
  • Search for images in Polish and English.
  • Possibility of further narrowing search results thanks to extensive filters that allow searching by such attributes as license type, photo orientation - horizontal, vertical, square, or panoramic photos, category, date of photo addition, a photographer who is the author of the photo, dominant color in the photo.

Photo collections of events from the country and the world

The search results display collections of images related to the event - a single "tile" visible in the search results correspond to a single event.

When the user clicks on a tile, all photos related to that event are displayed. The ability to purchase and download these photos is also simplified - with a single click, one can add to the cart or download all photos related to the event.

Photo Card

Relevant parameters of the photo or information about types of available licenses, and price lists are not the only information BE&W customers need. No less important is the ability to quickly purchase an image.

  • Large preview of a watermarked photo protected by BE&W agency.
  • Viewing the price list, taking into account the size of the image in pixels and the type of license, which determines the possible variants of using the image.
  • Possibility to buy the photo directly from here or to add it to the shopping cart to complete the purchase later.
  • Keyword preview.
  • Navigate to similar and other images by this photographer.

Photo importer

The Photo Importer is a part of the software that runs on the server, automatically processing and preparing photos for sharing on the portal. Every day it processes tens of thousands of photo files with a total size of several hundred gigabytes.

  • Reads photo metadata from IPTC fields: title, description, keywords, photo author, and copyright and license information.
  • Translates keywords into Polish/English.
  • Creates thumbnails and previews in JPG format.
  • Applies a security watermark to the photo.

Integration with external agencies

The images available on the BE&W portal come from the company's collections and those of the Spanish agency Alamy.

The integration with the Alamy agency is of the online type, i.e. when searching for images, not only BE&W's database is searched, but also Alamy's image collection.

The Alamy collection is searched in real-time - no copy of this collection is created, which allows presenting the most up-to-date Alamy offer.

B2B and B2C users

The portal can be used by three types of users: individuals, press and photographers.

The set of available images changes depending on which type of user is logged in. Depending on the photo's licensing terms, different purchase and payment methods are available, and functionality specific to the user's account type is shown or hidden.

Each user has a user panel from which he can access many features depending on the account type, such as individual quotes, messages, invoices, statements, history of downloads, uploads, billing, etc.

Customized quotes for B2B users

BE&W's sales department can create and send a quote directly to the customer using collections of images that are visible to the customer after they log in to their individual panel.

In the B2B user panel, there is a complete history of downloaded images - both those downloaded independently and those derived from quotes prepared by agency sales reps.

Efficient and fast financial settlement for B2B clients

The final price of an image depends, among other things, on the type of publication (newspaper, book, Internet), the size of the image, the circulation of the publication, or the geographical area in which the publication is distributed. Once the download request is approved, the system automatically generates an invoice for the images used.

  • B2B users pay only for the images they use in their publications.
  • B2B users are provided with a download statement in which they select the images used and specify additional parameters.

B2B Suppliers

Photographers can offer their images on and become product suppliers.

Thanks to the Certusoft system, they have quick access to:

  • Quick and easy-to-use photo importer and photo database.
  • Financial accounting for photos sold.
  • Photo sales reports and charts.
  • Information on which photos and themes sell best.
  • Information on which keywords portal users enter into the search engine most often.

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